Cardionn Charms Selection
S925纯银四叶草吊坠 Clover Charm 可以帮助招来幸运 Attract Good Luck | 萤石水晶花朵配件 Fluorite Flower 可以防止负能量入侵,加强人本身的思考能力,促进学习和工作效率 Help to prevent negative energy, enhance our learning and working effectiveness | 银曜石九尾狐水晶配件 Silver Obisidan 9-tail fox 可以帮助招财辟邪防小人防小三,也可以帮助提升自身魅力 Help to attract wealth, prevent negative spirit, prevent evil energy, enhance personal charisma |
S925纯银貔貅配件 Silver Brave Troops 可以帮助招财辟邪防小人 Help to attract wealth, prevent negative spirit, prevent evil energy | S925纯银心形框框 Silver Love Shape 寓意心善,美好的爱情 Represent kindhearted, beautiful love | S925纯银小算盘吊坠 Silver Abacus 可以帮助招财,守财,和守福气 Help to attract wealt, protect wealth and bring good fortune |
S925纯银铃铛吊坠 Silver Bell Charm 可以帮助招来好运气 Help to attract good luck | S925纯银招财猫配件 Silver Fortune Cat 可以帮助招财守财 Help to attract & maintain wealth | 萤石水晶醒狮配件 Fluorite Dancing lion 代表如意吉祥的吉祥物,象征雄伟,勇敢和力量 A mascot representing good luck, symbolizing majesty, bravery and strength | |||
黄水晶貔貅配件 Citrine Brave Troops 貔貅主要可以帮助招财守财辟邪和防小人,然后黄水晶的貔貅比较强在招财守财的部分 Mainly help to attract and maintain wealth, ward off evil spirits and protect against evildoers, and is better at attract & maintain wealth | 金曜石水晶醒狮配件 Gold obsidian Dancing lion
代表如意吉祥的吉祥物,象征雄伟,勇敢和力量,还可以辟邪 A mascot representing good luck, symbolizing majesty, bravery and strength, and help to ward off evil spirits | 金曜石水晶小熊配件 Gold obsidian bear 可以帮助招来好运气,辟邪防小人 Help to attract good luck, ward off evil spirits | |||
S925纯银平安喜乐吊坠 Silver PingAnXiLe Charm 佩戴寓意平安喜乐 Wearing it means peace and joy | 蛋白石水晶蝴蝶结配件 Opal Ribbon 可以帮助激发灵感,想象力,带来突破。加强个人才能,有果断执行能力,守财,增强精神,增加恋爱几率和人气,增加异性魅力 Help to inspire inspiration, imagination. Strengthen personal talents, have the ability to execute decisively, increase the chance of love and popularity | S925纯银九尾狐配件Silver 9-tail fox 可以帮助招财辟邪防小人防小三,也可以帮助提升自身魅力 Help to attract wealth, prevent negative spirit, prevent evil energy, enhance personal charisma | |||
草莓晶蝴蝶结吊坠 Strawberry quartz Ribbon Charm 可以帮助招人缘,贵人,增进自身魅力,改善人与人之间的关系,促进销售业绩 Help to attract good personal relationship, attract nobel, enhance personal charisma. and promote sales performance | 白玛瑙刻花平安牌 White Agate engraved piece 寓意平安健康 Wearing it means safety and healthy | 烟紫玛瑙铃铛配件 Puple Agate Bell 有保健作用,促进新陈代谢,血液循环,提高免疫力,防止焦虑 Is good to health, helps to promote blood circulation, prevent anxiety | |||
白水晶玉兔配件 White quartz Rabbit 可以帮助促进学习力,记忆力,理解力,让人变精神,保平安健康 Help to increase learning ability, memory, understanding ability, increase energetic, act as a talisman for health and safety | S925纯银皇冠隔片 Silver Crown 寓意事业成功,尤其是女人佩戴可以帮助培养女强人的风范 Means success in career development, especially for women, it can help to cultivate a strong women image | S925纯银咬钱虎配件 Silver Wealth Tiger 1. 招正财和偏财 2. 可以帮助生意发展 3. 保平安 4. 帮助开运 5. 帮助招贵人,好人缘 6. 辟邪防小人 1. Attract wealth 2. Help on business development 3. Act as a talisman for health and safety 4. Attract good luck 5. Attract nobel and good personal relationship 6. Avoid evil spirits |
樱花玛瑙桶珠配件 Sakura Agate tube bead 可以帮助调整荷尔蒙,保平安健康,非常适合女性佩戴 Help to regulate hormones, promote well-being, and is especially suitable for women to wear for health and safety | S925纯银熊头配件 Silver Bear Head Charm 寓意童真快乐 Symbolizing child joy | 金曜石猫猫头配件 Gold-obsidian cat head 可以帮助辟邪防小人,招财,增强人的行动力,增强睡眠质量 Can help ward off evil-spirits, protect against malicious intention, attarct wealth, enhance motivation, improve sleep quality | |||
磨砂黑玛瑙月球配件 Black Agate Moon 可以帮助辟邪防小人,增强个人处事态度方式,更加被爱戴,获得更好的成就,防止犹豫不决 Can assist in warding off evil, enhancing one's approach and attitude towards handling matters, gaining more affection, achieving better results, and preventing indecision | S925纯银镶钻星星配件 Silver Shining Star Charm 寓意梦想成真 To achieving goals | S925纯银包边叶子配件 Silver Leaf Charm 寓意新的开始和一直不断地成长 Symbolism of a new beginning and continuous growth | |||
S925纯银镂空叶子配件 Silver Leaf Charm 寓意新的开始和一直不断地成长 Symbolism of a new beginning and continuous growth | S925纯银捕梦网吊坠 Silver Dreamcatcher Charm 帮助捕捉美好的梦境并实现 Help to catch a good dream and achieve it in real | S925纯银蓝色镶钻星星吊坠 Silver Blue Shining Star Charm 象征希望,梦想,光明,指引,和抱负 Symbolizing hope, dreams, brightness, guidance & aspirations | |||
粉晶猫爪配件 Rose Quartz Cat Claws 帮助我们招来好姻缘,好人缘也可以帮助我们保持心情愉快哦 Help to attract good marital relationship and good interpersonal relationship. It can also help us maintain a happy mood. | 草莓晶心形配件 Strawberry Quartz Heart Shape 寓意招来好人缘贵人,增进人与人之间的关系,也非常适合喜欢小巧低调的人佩戴哦 Symbolizing the attraction of good relationships and noble connections, enhancing interpersonal bonds. It is also perfect for those who appreciate petite and understated jewelry. | 金曜石猫爪配件 Gold Obsidian Cat Claws 可以帮助招财辟邪防小人,消除压力舒缓情绪,增强人的行动力,向心力,还有帮助增强睡眠质量哦 Can help ward off evil-spirits, protect against malicious intention, attarct wealth, enhance motivation, improve sleep quality | |||
刻字纯银条配件 Engrave charm 可以刻上任何想刻的字体,英文/华语都可以的哦 Engravable Charm | 粉晶九尾狐配件 Rose Quartz 9-tail fox charm 可以帮助招财辟邪防小人防小三,也可以帮助提升自身魅力 Help to attract wealth, prevent negative spirit, prevent evil energy, enhance personal charisma | 萤石桶珠配件 Fluorite Tube Bead 可以帮助保持头脑清醒,加深人的思考能力。去除负能量,集中注意力,缓和个人情绪。It can help to keep the mind clearer, deepen one's thinking ability, remove negative energy, focus attention, and soothe personal emotions. | |||
金曜石太空人配件 Gold Obsidian Astronut 可以帮助招财辟邪防小人,消除压力舒缓情绪,增强人的行动力,向心力,还有帮助增强睡眠质量哦 Can help ward off evil-spirits, protect against malicious intention, attarct wealth, enhance motivation, improve sleep quality | 仙女出逃蝴蝶结配件 Fairy Ribbon Charm 是一种吉祥的代表 A representation of auspiciousness | 草莓晶小熊配件 Strawberry quartz Bear 寓意招来好人缘贵人,增进人与人之间的关系,也非常适合喜欢小巧低调的人佩戴哦 Symbolizing the attraction of good relationships and noble connections, enhancing interpersonal bonds. It is also perfect for those who appreciate petite and understated jewelry. | |||
心形配件(粉晶&草莓晶) Love Shape Crystal Charm (Rose quartz and Strawberry quartz) 两者都可以帮助招财辟邪防小人防小三,也可以帮助提升自身魅力 Both helps to attract wealth, prevent negative spirit, prevent evil energy, enhance personal charisma | 银曜石九尾狐配件Silver Obsidian 9-tail fox 可以帮助招财辟邪防小人防小三,也可以帮助提升自身魅力 Help to attract wealth, prevent negative spirit, prevent evil energy, enhance personal charisma | 草莓晶莲花配件 Strawberry quartz Lotus 寓意招来好人缘贵人,增进人与人之间的关系,也非常适合喜欢小巧低调的人佩戴哦 Symbolizing the attraction of good relationships and noble connections, enhancing interpersonal bonds. It is also perfect for those who appreciate petite and understated jewelry. | |||
纯银财神爷配件 God of Wealth Silver Charm 可以招财吸财守财,也可以帮助守护住我们原有的福气让运势越来越顺 It can attract wealth, preserve wealth, and also help to protect the blessings we already have making our fortune increasingly smooth. | 萤石九尾狐配件Fluorite 9-tail fox 可以帮助招财辟邪防小人防小三,也可以帮助提升自身魅力 Help to attract wealth, prevent negative spirit, prevent evil energy, enhance personal charisma | 银曜石貔貅配件 Silver-Obsidian Brave Troops 可以帮助招财辟邪防小人 Help to attract wealth, prevent negative spirit, prevent evil energy | |||
纯银镂空花朵配吊坠 Flower Silver Charm 寓意幸福美满 Represent Happiness |